Let's Play Again!

Pause for a moment. Close your eyes and picture yourself as a 10-year-old on a summer evening with your friends. What do you see? Running, cycling, laughing… and perhaps playing games?
Ah, the nostalgia of those classic games! Involving friends, learning, competition, winning, succeeding, failing, falling, and getting back up—games have truly taught us so much.
At Aavishkaar, we’ve noticed how games bring immense joy to both children and adults. So, why not blend games with Math? With this idea in mind, the Aavishkaar Team has developed a range of games (that can be played across grades & with adults too) designed to teach various mathematical concepts. These games are crafted to prioritise understanding while ensuring that fun is never compromised. These games are simple, compact enough to be carried in bag and can be played from anywhere.
Browse through our catalogue, choose a game that suits your students’ (or your own) needs, and rekindle the joy reminiscent of childhood favourites like Pakdam Pakdayi and Pittu Garam.

Toote Sitare | ₹399
Identify fractions while developing concepts related to adding fractions, improve their ability to follow mathematical instructions and make strategic decisions.

Udte Sitare | ₹299
Enhance fluency with all four arithmetic operations (+, -, ×, and ÷) and their combinations.

Mel Ka Khel – Guna | ₹299
Do multiplication through visual grouping, think in terms of groups/ number grouping.

Mel Ka Khel – Fraction, Decimal, Percentage | ₹299
Deepen your understanding of the relationship between Fraction, Decimal & Percentanges through this challenging but fun game.

10-20 Frames | ₹299
Develop number identification skills, enhance subitizing abilities and strengthen understanding of number relationships.
Games in Action

Over the years, the Aavishkaar Team has tried and tested these games with children and adults, bringing to you the final product.
Muskan, an educator who has tried the games says, “Now I believe that even Math can be joyous”

Game Tutorials

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