Great Place To Work Certified

In December 2023, Aavishkaar received its certification as a ‘Great Place to work’. A company’s certification of ‘Great Place to Work’ depends on the quantitative and qualitative feedback of the people associated with it.
When asked to share what makes Aavishkaar befitting of this glory, the Aavishkaaraks expressed immense pride for the impact they created in association with the organization. Our team is supporting and training stakeholders – educators, state bodies, and students – within the education ecosystem to transform Math and Science education.
As the organization is expanding, with more people joining us, ‘Great Place to Work’ certification is a great source of insight. We are committed to making a long-lasting impact in the world by not just doing what we do, but by also ensuring that our people can trust us, feel a camaraderie with each other, and feel immense pride for the work they do.
Through a rigorous and time consuming process, ‘Great Place to Work’ tried to understand Aavishkaar, its people and culture. For example, with elements like ‘culture briefing’, they looked at us very holistically – where each person associated with Aavishkaar comes from, what language they are fluent in – to understand the diversity at Aavishkaar. We hope to utilize this information into becoming a ‘greater place to work’.