
Drishti-cone, in partnership with Himachal Pradesh Government and Wipro Foundation, is a program that is designed to re-imagine Math and Science Education within school systems.

Program Structure

The program has 3 components

1. Teacher professional development      2. Student engagement     3. School engagement – Creating STEM environments in schools.

Program Overview

Teacher Engagement

We educate, equip & enable teachers through training (online and in-person) to create engaging Math & Science classrooms. The focus is on

  1. Long Term Teacher Support: By deep diving in concepts & pedagogical practices to make content visual, contextual & relevant. Discussion on breaking the common misconceptions.
  2. Short Term Teacher Support: Focusing on Science & Math specific pedagogical practices to make excellent hands-on, minds-on Active Thinking Classrooms.

School Engagement

STEM festivals aim at creating a festive atmosphere around Science and Math. The STEM mela consists of student-led stalls with Math & Science games that the visiting students and teachers go to play and explore.

A larger goal of these Melas is to develop confidence in students in their own ability to understand and explain STEM concepts. For our teachers, the Mela showcases that all their students are capable of achievement in STEM.

Student Engagement

We consistently work with students of primary & secondary nearby government schools of our block to fill acute numeracy gaps in primary and bridge STEM gaps in middle & secondary grades.

Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan

In partnership with the Directorate of Education (DoE), Himachal Pradesh, Aavishkaar will be implementing the Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) in schools across Himachal Pradesh.

Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA), an initiative by the GoI, is a framework that aims at nurturing a spirit of inquiry and creativity, love for Science and Mathematics and effective use of technology amongst children. It encourages those who show an inclination and talent for these subjects to be supported for further academic pursuit.







